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Herman Lindsey Featured in Outspoken Narrative's A Look at the Death Penalty
Herman Lindsey speaks about being sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and the injustice of the capital punishment system, on...

Joaquin Martinez Spoke About the Need to Abolish the Death Penalty
Joaquin Martinez spoke about the need to abolish the death penalty at event organized by Amherst College's Amnesty International group....

Shareef Cousin Spoke at University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown for Racial Justice Series
Shareef spoke at an event that was part of a series of events on racial justice organized by the school's Student Government Association....

Juan Melendez Spoke at Voices from Death Row Series
The Texas Moratorium Network and the American Constitution Society organized a Voices from Death Row Series featuring Juan Melendez on...

In Case You Missed it, we were Featured in Bustle
Bustle featured WTI in an article about 7 organizations working to end the death penalty. Read more

In Case You Missed it, we were Featured in Bustle
Bustle By JR Thorpe Dec. 15, 2020 Though until 2020, no federal executions had taken place since 2003, the Trump administration has moved...

Sabrina Butler-Smith Speaks on SXSW Panel with Richard Branson
Richard Branson is using his influence to take a stand against the death penalty. On the SXSW panel he was joined by Sabrina Butler-Smith...

Juan Melendez Speaks at Talladega College Zoom Event
On March 23, Juan Melendez shared his story of being wrongfully sentenced to death at an event organized by Talladega College.

Herman Lindsey Talks with Laura Porter on his show - Cruel Justice
On this episode of Cruel Justice, our host, Herman Lindsey, is joined by the Executive Director of the 8th Amendment Project, Laura...

Article Highlights Earl Washington's Wrongful Conviction as VA Abolition is Considered
BY FRANK GREEN Richmond Times-Dispatch Earl Washington Jr. arrived at the former Virginia State Penitentiary in Richmond in handcuffs and...
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