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The Irving & Phyllis Millstein Companion Animal Fund for Death Row Exonerees Launches
Witness to Innocence For Immediate Release: January 10, 2022 Witness to Innocence is honored to have received a $36,500 grant from the...

Virtual Accuracy & Justice Workshop Takes Place with Salt Lake DA Office
On November 3, Witness to Innocence facilitated an Accuracy & Justice Workshop with the Salt Lake County District Attorney's Office in...

Sabrina Butler-Smith & Debra Milke speak at Cornell University Event
On October 7th, in commemoration of World Day Against the Death Penalty, Sabrina Butler-Smith & Debra Milke spoke on a panel alongside...

Debra Milke Speaks at Women's Group
Debra Milke spoke about her experience as one of the two women who have been exonerated from death row in the U.S. She shared her story...

Exoneree Debra Milke speaks at Cornell University
Debra Milke shared her story of death row and exoneration at Cornell University's "Death Penalty in America" class. READ MORE

5/4/18: Arizona Central coverage of WTI's Arizona rally & vigil
Speakers at the event: Magdaleno "Leno" Rose-Avila (WTI Executive Director), Dan Peitzmeyer (Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona...

7/30/17: Morir en vida als terribles corredors de la mort dels EUA
The Catalan daily newspaper "Ara" did a piece on the death penalty in the United States after hearing some of the WTI exonerees speak at...

Debra Milke
State: Arizona Convicted: 1990 Exonerated: 2015 Race: Caucasian DNA used in exoneration? No Reasons for wrongful conviction: False...
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