BOOKS BY and about Death Row EXONEREES
The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row
Written by death row exoneree Anthony Ray Hinton
Oprah's Summer 2018 Book Club selection

Quest for Justice: Defending the Damned (Second Edition)
Written by Richard Jaffe
Richard Jaffe represented four of the nine people who have been exonerated from death row in Alabama. Two of his defendants were WTI exonerees Randal Padgett and Gary Drinkard, who's cases are detailed in his book.

The Story of Dan Bright: Crime, Corruption, and Injustice in the Crescent City
Written by Dan Bright with Justin Noble
"This incredible true story unflinchingly shows the injustice of the legal system, as well as the base corruption on display at Angola prison."

Bloodsworth: the True Story of the First Death Row Inmate Exonerated by DNA
Written by Tim Junkin
Selected as the 2018 One Maryland One Book

Exonerated: The Sabrina Butler Story
Written by Sabrina Butler-Smith
Her memoir the story of the first woman exonerated from death row in the U.S.

Execution's Doorstep: True Stories of the Innocent and Near Damned
Written by Leslie Lytle
Profiles the stories of Randal Padgett and Ron Keine
"Journalist Lytle brings the capital punishment debate into sharp focus with her account of five men wrongly convicted and sentenced to death but later freed."
Contact Ron Keine at RonKeine[at]Yahoo.com to purchase a book at a discounted rate.

Too Politically Sensitive: Since When Is Murder Too Politically Sensitive
Written by Michale Callahan
Chronicles the story of Randy Steidl

Jingle Jangle: The Perfect Crime Turned Inside Out
Written by Jim Rix, cousin of death row exoneree Ray Krone
"A must for readers of true crime and anyone wondering why so many innocent people are convicted in America. The book satisfies from start to finish, from the opening of Ray Krone's horror story, through the compelling analysis of what went wrong and on to the startling conclusion." - Sister Helen Prejean

The Death Penalty on Trial: Crisis in American Justice
Written by Bill Kurtis
Tells details of how two death row inmates, including Ray Krone, had been wrongly convicted

Wrongful Convictions: A Comparative Perspective
An academic work written by Marvin Zalman
Ron Keine contributed to a chapter
First-hand account of Keith LaMar's experiences surrounding the Lucasville Prison Uprising of 1993
Features WTI member Derrick Jamison

The Deprived: Innocent on Death Row
"The book is based on interviews with 10 Americans who have all been affected by wrongful convictions and the death penalty."
Includes interviews from Kwame Ajamu, Derrick Jamison, Damon Thibodeaux, and Herman Lindsey.

Written by Kyle Swenson, this book chronicles the wrongful convictions of Kwame Ajamu, Ricky Jackson, and Wiley Bridgeman.
It is "the true story of the longest wrongful imprisonment in the United States to end in exoneration and a critical social and political history of Cleveland, the city that convicted them."
Reviewed by the Washington Post, New York Times, and more
An Amazon Best Book, February 2019

Written by Gene Miller and inspired by Freddie and Wilbert's case
Miller's reporting on Freddie and his co-defendant, Wilbert Lee, won him a Pulitzer Prize and helped to free Freddie and Wilbert from prison

Life After Death Row: The True Story of Glen Edward Chapman
Written by Ed Chapman and Alex Cury
"This is a story of police misconduct, irresponsible counsel and the team that worked together to prove Chapman's innocence and save his life."

A Stolen Life: The Debra Milke Story
Written by Jana Bommersbach
Bommersbach, an award winning journalist, tells the story of Debra Milke's tragic wrongful conviction.

Written by Sister Helen Prejean, WTI Co-Founder
Sister Helen Prejean becomes the spiritual advisor to Patrick Sonnier, the convicted killer of two teenagers who was sentenced to die in the electric chair of Louisiana's Angola State Prison.

The Decline of the Death Penalty and The Discovery of Innocence
Award-winning book by Dr. Frank Baumgartner, Richardson Distinguished Professor of Political Science at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill