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Sabrina Butler-Smith & Shujaa Graham perform "I Am Troy Davis"

Sabrina Butler-Smith, Shujaa Graham, Phyllis Prentice, and Delia Perez-Meyer took part in a theatrical protest to the resumption of the federal death penalty on Sunday Dec. 8. The protest brought together death row exonerees and the family members of death row prisoners and victims of racial violence. This powerful cast of activists came together to perform the screenplay based on the novel I Am Troy Davis by Jen Marlowe and Martina Davis-Correia.

The performers:

  • Airickca Gordon-Taylor (cousin of 14-year-old Emmett Till, lynched in Mississippi in 1955)

  • Aisha Salaam-Malone (sister of Yusef Salaam, from the Central Park 5 case)

  • Akeem Browder (brother of Kalief Browder, a teen held in Rikers in pre-trial solitary confinement)

  • Cephus “Uncle Bobby” Johnson (uncle of Oscar Grant, killed by BART police in 2009)

  • Delia Perez Meyer (sister of Lou Perez, on Texas death row with an innocence case)

  • Eric Taylor (actor-activist)

  • Gwenn Carr (mother of Eric Garner, killed in a NYPD choke hold in 2014)

  • Lawrence Hayes (former death row prisoner in NY State)

  • Lee Wengraf (organizer and activist)

  • Phyllis Prentice (wife of Shujaa Graham, death row survivor)

  • Ron Davis (father of 17-year-old Jordan Davis, who was shot and killed in in 2012 in Jacksonville, FL)

  • Sabrina Butler (exonerated after nearly 3 years on MS death row)

  • Sera-Lys McArthur (actor-activist)

  • Shujaa Graham (exonerated after 8 years in prison, 6 of them on CA death row)

  • Yvette Allen (sister of Billie Allen, on federal death row with an innocence case)

"I’ll never stop believing that we can change this...we can right these wrongs...Because I Am Troy Davis." -Sabrina Butler, 1st woman exonerated from death row, as Troy Davis' nephew.

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