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Sabrina Butler Smith and Martin Schoeller Interviewed on Good Day New York
Sabrina Butler Smith and Martin Schoeller were interviewed by Good Day New York about the collaboration that lead to a feature in...

National Geographic Article Helping Bring the Issue of the Death Penalty to a Wider Audience
Thanks to National Geographic and Martin Schoeller, the stories of death row exonerees are in the mainstream media. Check out this...

Ray Krone and Kwame Ajamu Speak with Photographer Martin Schoeller
The Fight for Freedom Pt. 2 - WTI death row exonerees, Ray Krone and Kwame Ajamu, sat down with Martin Schoeller to discuss his exhibit,...

Kirk Bloodsworth and Sabrina Butler-Smith Discuss New Exhibit with Photographer Martin Schoeller
WTI executive director, Kirk Bloodsworth, and Sabrina Butler-Smith had a discussion with photographer Martin Schoeller about his new...

Kirk Bloodsworth and Sabrina Butler-Smith Discuss New Exhibit with Photographer Martin Schoeller
WTI executive director, Kirk Bloodsworth, and Sabrina Butler-Smith had a discussion with photographer Martin Schoeller about his new...

Death Row Exonerees Exhibit Featured in The Guardian
Photographer Martin Schoeller's exhibit Death Row Exonerees, which features video portraits of WTI death row survivors, is highlighted in...

Death Row Exonerees Exhibit Featured in The Guardian
Martin Schoeller is a photographer known for his up-close portraits of the world’s biggest names – from Barack Obama to Taylor Swift and...
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