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The Irving & Phyllis Millstein Companion Animal Fund for Death Row Exonerees Launches
Witness to Innocence For Immediate Release: January 10, 2022 Witness to Innocence is honored to have received a $36,500 grant from the...

Richard Branson's Blog Highlights WTI Exonerees Following 'It Could Happen to You" Film Premiere
Following the release of the 'It Could Happen To You' films series on World Day Against the Death Penalty, Richard Branson, who spoke as...

Richard Branson's Blog Highlights WTI Exonerees Following 'It Could Happen to You" Film Premiere
Virgin Blog: It Could Happen To You By Richard Branson October 10, 2021 I’ve never made a secret of my opposition to the death penalty -...

Randall Padgett Talks about Being a Founding Member of WTI on Pursuing Justice Podcast
Randall Padgett spent 3.5 years on Alabama's death row before being exonerated and joining WTI. Hear his story on the Pursuing Justice...

10/15/17: Highlights of the WTI tour finale panel at University of Washington
On the last night of the WTI tour through Washington State, we did a panel at the University of Washington School of Law in conjunction...

10/5/17: Yakima Herald coverage of WTI's WA State tour stop in Ellensburg
[Sabrina Butler-Smith and Randal Padgett] spoke at Central Washington University on Tuesday, sharing their stories about what it was like...

10/4/17: The Spokesman-Review covers WTI's presentation at Gonzaga University
Butler-Smith and another death-row exoneree, Randal Padgett, spoke to an audience at Gonzaga University on Wednesday night – including...

10/4/17: South Seattle Emerald covers WTI's WA State tour
Approximately 50 people gathered at the house of Barbara and Robert Rose-Leigh Sunday, October 1st for a reception to support the work of...

10/3/17: Seattle's "The Stranger" suggests attending WTI's Seattle panel on Thursd
We are #35! "Our arts critics have already recommended 39 great things to do this week and our music critics have picked the 27 best...
9/29/17: Yakima Herald announces WTI tour event in Ellensburg, WA next week
ELLENSBURG, Wash. — Two death-row inmates who were exonerated will be in Ellensburg next week as part of a special presentation...
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