National & international advocacy partners
These are outstanding organizations and projects that share our vision of abolishing the death penalty, reforming the criminal justice system, and supporting the wrongfully convicted:
ACLU Capital Punishment Project (CPP)
ACLU Capital Punishment Project is a national project of the American Civil Liberties Union. The CPP challenges the unfairness and arbitrariness of capital punishment while working toward its ultimate repeal.
Abolition Action Committee/Starvin' for Justice Fast & Vigil
Amnesty International USA's Program to Abolish the Death Penalty
Amnesty International USA's Program to Abolish the Death Penalty seeks to end the cycle of violence created by a system riddled with economic and racial bias and tainted by human error. It provides the opportunity to have your voice heard in opposing executions here in the United States and overseas.
Center on Wrongful Convictions
Center on Wrongful Convictions is based at the Northwestern University's School of Law, and is dedicated to identifying and rectifying wrongful convictions and other serious miscarriages of justice.
Centurion Ministries
Centurion Ministries is a non-profit organization with a national network of attorneys and forensic experts who work on behalf of innocent people who have been convicted of crimes throughout the United States and Canada.
Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty
Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a network of political and social conservatives who question the alignment of capital punishment with conservative principles and values.
"Dead Man Walking" School Theatre Project
Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC)
The Death Penalty Information Center is the premier source of in-depth information on all aspects of the death penalty.
Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) – en Español
Death Penalty News
This blog is devoted to reporting on the latest death penalty news from around the world in a very timely manner, making it a great source for daily internet searching on all things abolition and the death penalty.
Death Penalty Representation Project of the American Bar Association
Equal Justice Initiative
The Equal Justice Initiative is a non-profit that provides legal representation to indigent defendants and prisoners who have been denied fair and just treatment in the criminal justice system. It also works on issues such as children in adult prisons; the death penalty; sentencing reform; and race and justice. Check out their History of Racial Injustice Online Timeline – a great resource for learners of all ages.
Equal Justice USA
Equal Justice USA is a leader in the movement to halt executions, and works to train and empower grassroots leaders in death penalty states to advocate for a fair and humane criminal justice system.
Evangelicals for Social Action
General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, Office of Civil and Human Rights
The Innocence Network
The Innocence Network is an umbrella for organizations dedicated to providing pro-bono legal and investigative services to prisoners seeking to prove their innocence, and affiliated organizations that work with the exonerated, like WTI. You can find a comprehensive list of Innocence Projects all over the country.
The Innocence Project
The Innocence Project at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York handles cases in which post-conviction DNA testing of evidence can yield conclusive proof of innocence.
Ministry Against The Death Penalty
Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights (MVFHR)
Murder Victims' Families for Human Rights is an international, non-governmental organization of family members of victims of criminal murder, terrorist killings, state executions, extrajudicial assassinations, and disappearances working to oppose the death penalty from a human rights perspective.
Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation (MVFR)
Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation was founded in 1976 as a national organization of family members of victims of both homicide and executions who oppose the death penalty in all cases.
The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP)
The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is a national membership organization devoted to abolishing capital punishment. It provides public information, advocates for public policy change, and acts as an umbrella that provides support to state abolition organizations and other members of NCADP.
The National Registry of Exonerations
The National Registry of Exonerations is a joint project of the University of the Michigan Law School and the Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University School of Law. It provides detailed information about every known exoneration in the United States since 1989.
People of Faith Against the Death Penalty
Resurrection After Exoneration (RAE)
Resurrection After Exoneration was founded in 2007 by death row survivor and WTI member John Thompson. RAE provides a network of support among wrongfully convicted individuals by providing access to the resources, opportunities, and training.
The Southern Center for Human Rights
The Southern Center for Human Rights defends individuals on death row at trial, on appeal, and in the post-conviction review process. It also advocates against legislation designed to increase use of the death penalty in the Southern United States.
World Coalition Against the Death Penalty
The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is a membership organization of over 135 NGOs, bar associations, unions, and authorities from around the world. It aims to strengthen the international dimension of abolition work in order to end the death penalty worldwide.
The Wrong Carlos
Columbia University Law Professor James Liebman's brilliant website is devoted to the wrongful conviction and execution of Carlos DeLuna in Texas. The site has everything: crime-scene photos, law enforcement and court records, newspaper and TV coverage, videos, interactive maps, and more. These sources represent the most complete set of primary records and witness interviews (many of them videotaped) that has ever been compiled on an American capital case.