Death row exoneree Kirk Bloodsworth visits Bensalem High School

Bensalem High School has over 2,000 students, many of whom were fortunate enough to meet death row exoneree Kirk Bloodsworth in late January.
Students of English teacher Kerryn Sibley's class were learning about wrongful convictions and discovered Kirk Bloodsworth's case; Kirk was the first person on death row to be exonerated due to DNA evidence in the United States. They reached out to Kirk, who came to speak to a group of high school students and share his story.
Kirk noted that it was a "wonderful experience. Kids are the future and Bensalem High School has some of our future leaders right in the classroom."
Teacher Kerryn Sibley shared that "after [Kirk's] visit, our students have not stopped talking about the impact [he] had on them. [Kirk's] story was gut-wrenching, honest, and engaging... [and his] courage and positive attitude are inspiring."