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Kwame Ajamu Featured in Virginia Death Penalty Abolition Campaign
Kwame Ajamu tells his story of being wrongfully sentenced to death at 18 years old in a compelling video urging Virginia lawmakers to end...

New York Times Opinion: Is an Innocent Man Still Languishing on Death Row?
Comprehensive DNA testing was ordered in Kevin Cooper's 38 year old death row case, the evidence points away from Cooper. Read More

Virginia Moves to Abolish Death Penalty - Earl Washington's case cited as pivotal reason
Virginia is poised to become the latest state to ban capital punishment after both houses of the Democratic-led legislature voted to...

Virginia Moves to Abolish Death Penalty - Earl Washington's case cited as pivotal reason
Wall Street Journal - Virginia is poised to become the latest state to ban capital punishment after both houses of the Democratic-led...

Article Highlights Earl Washington's Wrongful Conviction as VA Abolition is Considered
BY FRANK GREEN Richmond Times-Dispatch Earl Washington Jr. arrived at the former Virginia State Penitentiary in Richmond in handcuffs and...

Article Highlights Earl Washington's Wrongful Conviction as VA Abolition is Considered
WTI member, Earl Washington, was wrongfully sentenced to death in Virginia. Now, with lawmakers voting on VA abolition legislation this...

Kirk Bloodsworth Speaks at Advocating for Innocence: Overturning Wrongful Convictions Event
Kirk Bloodsworth spoke to a group of over 200 people on January 27th at Advocating for Innocence: Overturning Wrongful Convictions event....

Ron Keine Op Ed: It's time to end the death penalty
I am a lifelong conservative Republican whose faith in the criminal justice system was shattered by my near-death experience with it. I...

Virginia Governor References Earl Washington's Innocence as a Reason for Death Penalty Abolition
Earl Washington spent 18 years in prison, 9.5 of which were on Virginia's death row, for a crime he didn't commit. Now Virginia Governor...

Virginia Governor References Earl Washington's Innocence as a Reason for Death Penalty Abolition
Gov. Ralph Northam will be introducing a bill to abolish the death penalty that, if successful, would make Virginia the first Southern...
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